
ance is certainly much less in all other activities, yet by tradition the individual is clothed, almost from birth, in such a way that the sex of the person can be determined almost as far as he can be seen. Why? Doesn't this indicate a funtionally abnormal pre-occupation with sex?

It is certainly more important that doctors be distinguished from non-doctors, yet this is generally done with a piece of paper or an insignificant pin, or both. The same can be said of Ph Ds and others, yet the inability to tell at a glance is apparently of no concern: A pin or a diploma will do as well.

The ability to tell sex by clothing worn serves to attract men to women, but this includes undesir- able men at times, and in a few instances has been of injurious or even fatal results to women.

What I am attempting to do is lay the foundation for a separation of sex identities by types of cloth- ing worn. In other words, let each person wear what- ever he pleases. If both sexes were free to wear high or low heels, sox or nylons, skirts, capris, blouses or shirts, etc., it would correct some of the difficulties and give greater freedom to everyone, It seems to me that the public would be more likely to accept such a thing than it would to accept out- right imitation of females by males, as there is always a dislike for deceit, no matter how altruistic. I am afraid that the concept of the superiority of the male is so deeply ingrained on religious grounds that the dual personality concept you are attempting to attain tolerance for will be very slow in coming.

Though I have gone to occasional Halloween parties dressed as a girl (and won prizes at them), I would dislike having to do it all the time. The clothing is pretty, but it is hard to take care of, too hot during the summer, and it takes too long to put on and take off. Make-up presents the same sit- uation: Although it is capable of striking changes